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The lab, part of the Forum, which is the heartbeat of the hospitals where all the analyzes of the patients and that help doctors diagnose the condition you are in, the laboratory sampling of patients, both samples Dm- Paul-Braz- body fluids Almokhtlvh- swabs or samples from different places of the tissues and organs of the body and the results of the analysis are sent to the doctor, who can diagnose the patient's condition . By the results given to him
: Lab falls under the Department of Pathology and some sections which

The first section and the second sections are meant pre-analytical tests of the collection and processing of samples.

 Reception Department
In this section are receiving samples from patients (Mahtat- ​​emergency clinics) various Onoallamn by qualified persons and are recorded in the reception located in Section record and then the samples are distributed to different laboratory sections, each according to the quality of the sample and the quality of the analysis required.
Phlebotomy Department
Department of blood withdrawn This section defines the patient through a full medical name, number and its conformity with the medical card.
Accordingly, this section provides the following services to the clinics.
Biochemistry section
This department is concerned to conduct analyzes to reveal the effectiveness of the body's members in the performance of the various functions overall as posts and Alqaibdualbnkerhiasothalal hormones and analyzes drugs blood levels of a medicament epilepsy, heart and painkillers .othalal detection of tumors and also for chemicals found in body fluids, especially blood and all these items are fixed rate and any variation in these ratios have meaning patients.
The department diagnosis of diseases related to blood diseases, as well as follow-up and monitor the effectiveness of drugs used for some cancers.
Biology lab minute offers diagnosis laboratory are accurate and effective in a specific period of time to help clinical diagnosis in the provision of appropriate treatment with a commitment to high quality
And methods of prevention and safety by planting different samples
Immunoassay and viruses.
This section is the work of immunological tests for many diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites, as well as diseases of the immune system.
Action This section mechanism is carried out using a lot of ways and modern appliances that rely on examining antibodies which produce immediately after infection with pathogens

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