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Our Doctors

Dr. Samar Asalkkawi
Specialist dermatologists
Master of skin and venereal diseases
Plastic and Laser diploma
Dr. Salwa Ibrahim Srour
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery
Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Experience in gynecology and obstetrics
Dr: Islam al-Husseini
Physician and oral and dental surgeon

: Brief
One of the main reasons for the establishment of a modern clinic complex is to offer the latest in modern technology in the modern treatment methods, and to provide all of these technologies in the Kingdom

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- Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic:
Follow-up of pregnancy by the latest four-dimensional sonar device, Early detection of cervical cancer.

- Skin clinic and beauty: 
Laser hair removal device Jntleyzarz, a lite Cher, laser varicose veins and birthmarks and pigmentation.

- Dental Clinics:
Some of the best dentists.

- Children's Clinic and newborns:
Full attention to your children under the supervision of doctors DISTINCT

- x_ray place:
The latest hardware-ray and ultrasound imaging television

- Department laboratory: 
Featuring all the comprehensive tests to diagnose diseases, hormones, chemical analyzes and blood clotting

- Emergency:
It includes a specialized medical team and the latest equipment to deal with the emergency ambulance cases

- General Medicine:
It includes an elite group of physicians pan men and women

Altamayoz Cares about your health..

Rate us :
1) Customer Satisfaction

2) Working as an integrated team
3) follow the latest quality methods
4) continuing medical development and administrative
5) commitment to providing all patients exceeds expectations

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